Egyptian Gold™ includes the biblical essential oils rose, cinnamon, balsam fir, and lavender, renowned for spiritual sensitivities. This transcendent blend gently enhances moments of devotion and reverence.
Frankincense, lavender, Canadian balsam fir, myrrh, spikenard, hyssop, cedarwood, rose, and cinnamon essential oils.
[免費]精油功效分享會 -
講者: Winnie Chan (身心靈整全醫學博士生, 註冊香薰治療師, Certified Raindrop Technique Facilitator, 作者, 身心靈整全顧問)
日期: 1月24日 (日)
時間: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
地點: 上環干諾道中145號多寧大廈10樓全層
費用: 全免 (分享會可以即場試用精油SAMPLE, 沒有產品在場銷售)
Mandy Wong: 9162 5368 (歡迎whatsapp)
#精油 #精油功效 #香薰治療
1. 失眠救星 - lavender
2. 療傷好幫手 - frankincense
3. 提神醒腦 - peppermint
4. 每天一lemon
5. 病菌病毒遠離我 - thieves
6. 腸胃扭計 - digize
7. 萬用油 - copaiba
8. 痛症好幫手 - panAway
9. 防蚊叮蟲咬 - purification
10. 壓力no way - stress away
11. 暗瘡bye bye - tea tree
12. Raindrop technique set
1. 失眠救星 - lavender
2. 療傷好幫手 - frankincense
3. 提神醒腦 - peppermint
4. 每天一lemon
5. 病菌病毒遠離我 - thieves
6. 腸胃扭計 - digize
7. 萬用油 - copaiba
8. 痛症好幫手 - panAway
9. 防蚊叮蟲咬 - purification
10. 壓力no way - stress away
11. 暗瘡bye bye - tea tree
12. Raindrop technique set